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Our Process

Our process starts with your designs Träframe offer a wide range of high-performance timber frame solutions and engineered timber products. Our commitment to training and maintaining high-quality standards, means that our efficient manufacturing process is never compromised: accuracy and safety are paramount. In addition should you require something more bespoke, we can offer a tailored solution to meet your specific needs.


Step 1

Send us your designs

The sooner we receive your designs the better. We can review all information and request any extra information we require to provide you with a full quotation.


Step 2

Designs ready for approval

We then provide you with our designs specific to your timber frame.


Step 3

Signed and Sealed.

Designs approved and deposit paid the manufacturing can begin!


Step 4

The Manufacturing

Once approved we take your designs to the saw, ensuring the highest quality of workmanship and attention to detail we manufacture your frame in time with our mutually agreed delivery date.


Step 5


Once complete your order is loaded, transported and delivered to site.


Step 6


We offer a full installation service depending on your requirements. On completion we have a happy client every time!